Buah Mengkudu yang juga disebut sebagai buah noni oleh masyarakat barat atau nama saintifiknya “Morinda Citrifolia” diketahui begitu kaya dengan pelbagai ramuan ubatan hingga digelar ratu tumbuhan.

Kajian saintifik mengenai buah mengkudu atau buah noni telah dilakukan sejak 45 tahun lalu. Saintis
pertama yang mengkaji tentang buah Noni ialah seorang ahli biokimia yang terkenal, Dr. Ralph Heinicke. Semasa Dr. Heinicke membuat kajian mengenai bromelain nanas di Hawaii, Beliau mendapati nanas mengandungi proxeronine. Pada masa yang sama beliau turut mendapati kandungan proxeronine dan proxeronase dalam buah noni lebih tinggi daripada nanas. Maka, Dr. Heinicke telah merumuskan bahawa buah noni adalah sumber terbaik pembentukan protein dalam badan manusia.
Proxeronine penting untuk mensintesis alkaloid xeronine. Xeronine adalah protein yang hanya dapat dihasilkan dalam usus manusia. Kekurangan xeronine boleh mengakibatkan pelbagai jenis penyakit. Proxeronine dan proxeronase akan berubah menjadi xeronine melalui tindakbalas biokimia dalam usus. Ini seterusnya boleh mengaktifkan fungsi enzim dalam badan manusia serta meransang sistem pencernaan, sistem peredaran darah, sistem doktrin dan sistem pembiakan.
Dengan adanya xeronine, ia boleh mencegah pelbagai jenis penyakit seperti diarrhea, asma , diabetes, arthritis, migraine, masalah haid, batuk, sakit tekak, penyakit mulut dan gusi, merendah tekanan darah tinggi, mencegah pertumbuhan parasit dan kulat, merencat sel-sel barah dan lain-lain penyakit lagi.

Xeronine juga menggalakkan pertumbuhan tisu dan mengaktifkan sel-sel badan. Oleh itu, xeronine turut memperlihatkan kesan yang terserlah untuk patah tulang, salah urat, serangan serangga, barah, melecur dan terbakar serta menghalang proses penuaan.




Keajaiban Syampu Hitam Rambut (NONI- Black Hair Magic)

Adakah anda menghadapi Masalah Rambut beruban dan ingin mendapatkan kembali rambut hitam yang bergaya? Saya mempunyai satu produk yang sangat berkesan, hanya memerlukan masa 7-10 minit sahaja. Bahan-bahan : 1. Diperbuat daripada tumbuhan herba sebagai bahan kesiahatan rambut Intipati dihasilkan daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi seperti Intipati Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb,noni (buah mengkudu),ginseng,dan sebagainya. Keberkesanan terbukti melebihi 6x shampoo hitam rambut lain dalam pasaran. Keberkesanan/Kelebihan: 1-Sungguh mudah digunakan dimana-mana sahaja tanpa mengira waktu.Hanya 7-10 minit sahaja selepas penggunaan ringan.Kehitaman rambut terserlah dari akar hingga ker hujung rambut. 2-Satu gabungan penghitam rambut, vitamin rambut dan perapi rambut.

Menghapuskan Kelemumur dan kegatalan kulit kepala.Penggunaan secara konsisten dan berterusan memberi anda rambut dan kulit kepala yang sihat. 3-Mempunyai Pengesahan Halal Antarabangsa dan pengguna muslim tidak perlu ragu-ragu. 4-Boleh menambah pendapatan disamping menjadi pengguna. Arahan Penggunaan: 1. Memakai sepasang sarung tangan (bah agian akhir kuku anda akan menjadi kelabu oleh bahan aktif tumbuhan semulajadi, tetapi tidakmenjejaskan kesihatan sama sekali) 2. Basuh rambut anda yang berminyak & keringkan, kemudian lembapkan sedikit rambut. 3. Ratakan syampu ke seluruh rambut seperti penggunaan syampu biasa dengan membenarkan syampu sampai ke akar rambut. Biarkan selama 7-10 minit. 4.

Kemudian, bilas rambut anda sehingga bersih dan sikat rambut seperti biasa. Hasilnya, rambut hitam yang anggun dan wajah tampak muda berseri. Info: Untuk lebih penjimatan dapatkan Noni Black Magic dengan pembelian 1 kotak berserta keahlian seumur hidup pada harga RM 150.00 SEKOTAK RM150.00 (20 PEKET = RM7.50) HARGA JUAL SEPEKET RM15.00

Diabetes | Kencing Manis

Cara Menggunakan Noni

2 kali sehari semasa bangun pagi dan semasa hendak tidur.

  • Terus minum segelas air suam @ air bertapis (Air liur semasa bangun pagi adalah enzime yang paling baik jika di gunakan dengan Noni adalah lebih berkesan).(Jangan gosok gigi dahulu, ubat gigi mengandungi bahan yang boleh merosakkan enzime Noni, Gosok gigi salepas menggunakan Noni)
  • Ambil Noni 3 titik atau lebih titik dibawah lidah
  • Kemam atau kebam selama 1-2 minit biarkan Noni meresap melalui saluran darah dibawah lidah terus kedalam darah.
  • Telan sikit-sikit Noni sehingga habis dari dalam mulut
  • Minum segelas air lagi
  • Ulangi perkara yang sama semasa hendak tidur

Salepas menggunakan Noni jarakkan masa 2 jam barulah boleh makan/minum kopi, nescape, teh dan hisab rokok atau sebarang ubat klinik/hospital.
(Jika anda sedang menggunakan
ubat klinik/hospital teruskan seperti biasa)

The ‘flower’ of Noni fruit
Noni flowers can be five-petalled or six-petalled, white in
color. The flower itself is hermaphroditic, each flower can
produce four seeds, and many single fruits combine
into a Noni aggregate fruit.

‘Ripe’ Noni fruit
When Noni fruit gets ripe, it gradually turns from yellow-
green to white, and the fruit skin becomes waxen semi-
transparent light yellow-green.

The ‘flower’ of Noni fruit
Noni flowers can be five-petalled or six-petalled, white in
color. The flower itself is hermaphroditic, each flower can
produce four seeds, and many single fruits combine into a
Noni aggregate fruit.

‘Ripe’ Noni fruit
When Noni fruit gets ripe, it gradually turns from yellow-
green to white, and the fruit skin becomes waxen semi-
transparent light yellow-green.

Noni ‘fruit’
Noni fruit somewhat looks like Buddha, green. Unlike other
fruits, a Noni fruit is the fruitery from the insemination
of multiple flowers, which is a rare aggregate fruit.

Leaves of Noni
The leaves of Noni fruit are symmetrical, and green in color.

100% Pure Noni Fruit

Federation’s 100% pure Noni fruit ferment

A message, changes a world;a concept changes a person’s fate.

There is old saying: if something sounds too good to be true, it may be fake! However, there are some exceptions! What is Noni? Can it fight diseases? Is it a latest therapeutic fashion? Or just something used as comfort? By interviewing and learning from the pioneers of Noni research in the world, through the clinical summaries of 10,000 users who use Noni to treat all kinds of diseases, and from the feedbacks of 50 doctors, health experts and some conventional medical practitioners, we can get a clear answer: 100% Noni ferment does have a strong medical effect of improving human health.
For those who accept Noni, it will change their destinies of suffering chronic diseases for years, and help them regain health and maintain an everlasting vigor!

Noni is not used to cure a certain disease, it can activate the immune system and start the self-recovery function.

Noni is not aimed at curing a certain disease, it replenishes human body with enough xeronine, and when xeronine enters the liver, it will quickly activate the immune system of human body, and starts the long-lost self-recovery ability; the ‘self-recovery function’ will in a short time(typically 3-15 days) collect and expel the toxins accumulating in the body for years, and this is the toxin-expelling period, a.k.a recovery reaction; later, the immune system will check and repair the human body thoroughly, it will check the functions of all the organs of the human body, and gradually repair the damaged and pathological cells. As the toxins have accumulated for a long time, it generally takes a long time to fully repair, depending on the severity of pathological change, the repair time may vary from 2 to 3 years, and if the body is replenished with enough xeronine during this period, the self-recovery system will adjust the human body to the optimal health condition, and eventually restore a healthy body as teenager, this is exactly the so-called “return from old age to youth time”! It not only enables you to get rid of the all kinds of diseases you’ve been long suffering, more surprisingly: senile markings begin to fade, beer belly disappears, hair re-grows and turns black, the skin restores flexibility, wrinkles disappear and vigor returns!

What is Noni?

Noni gets fruits before blossoming, and grows while blossoming, what a magical plant! However, Noni is quite susceptible to the environment, once there is a pollution, it will wither, therefore, the best Noni grows not in tourist resort Tahiti-this is a myth due to the misleading of merchants; actually, the organic wild Noni from a peopleless island in South Pacific deserve to be called “top”; there are plenty of manually planted Noni trees in Tahiti, at a man’s height, while Noni trees on the peopleless island in South Pacific have exuberant branches and leaves and huge fruits, at a height of more than two storeys.

Why do people become feeble and suffer all kinds of diseases when they are getting old?

Why does one’s self-recovery ability become worse with the growth of age? In the 1950s, a certain medicine manufacturer in the US raised this question. In order to disclose this mystery, they hired a group of international medical doctors with high pay to delve into this question, as a result, they found the liver could produce a substance called “xeronine”, which is stored in the liver, and when the human body encounters a disease, the brain will direct the liver to release xeronine to the pathological location for treatment, and this is the basis of human body’s immune system. Yet with the growth of age, the function of the liver to produce xeronine gradually disappears, and this is basically reason why the self-recovery ability of the elderly people’s immune systems become worse, therefore, once the old get sick, it’s hard for them to recover, and many complications will occur, which make the patient suffer all kinds of diseases, and get into the plight of fighting diseases instead of enjoying cozy life of retirement!

How does Noni work?

Effects of Noni: replenish the body with xeronine→activate immune system→monitor the condition of the human body→eradicate or expel toxins→repair damaged cells. Noni activates the self-recovery function of the human body and starts its immune system by replenishing the human body with xeronine. Firstly it collects and expels the toxins accumulating in the body, and fully repairs the damaged cells, to drive the reproduction of cells. Xeronine has an important effect on the cells: first, it affects the structure of particular protein, alters its structure, and enables the huge energy in water to accumulate to be transformed into mechanical energy, chemical energy and electric energy in each cell.Obviously, these reactions can make normal cells work more effectively, and can help damage cells return to normal. The ability of xeronine to recover pathological cells or damage cells is called “concentrated repair effect”, and Noni ferment is the catalyst of this effect, proxeronine is transformed into xeronine in the human body through biochemical reactions, and for places of inflammation, proxeronine exudes from capillaries to make the cells produce free xeronine, and through a complicated process, xeronine can reduce and stop further inflammation, and cure the pathological cells. Doctor Harrison, principal of Boston Medical School, reported: Noni ferment has its specific frequency, and this frequency, along with the effect of Xeronine and the effects of the other ingredients in Noni can strengthen medical effect. It can stabilize blood sugar, alleviate pre-menstrual syndrome, and relieve pains. According to clinical data, Noni does strengthen the recovery system of human body, if the blood pressure is too high, Noni can help reduce; if too low, Noni can help raise; if the blood sugar is too high, Noni can help reduce; if too low, Noni can help raise; there is too much or too little acid in the human body, Noni will carry out bidirectional adjustment in the same manner, and make paranormal or pathological cells function normally through this adjustment. Noni contains multiple ingredients, which prove to have effects on many diseases.

Production process

Federation Noni ferment is fermented and concocted from the original essence of high-quality Noni fruits originates from the islands in the South Pacific. 100% pure Noni ferment is of high-quality, and contains no additives like antiseptics.

A:Noni tree: Noni trees are a tropical fruit tree distinctively growing in the area of South Pacific islands, which bear fruits 10 months after plantation.

B:Noni fruit: after about 18 months, the fruit gets ripe, and warts grow on the skin, similar to guava, and 4-8 kilograms of Noni fruit can be produced every month per year.

C: Natural fermentation: Select well-developed ripe Noni fruits and put into barrels for a process of natural fermentation that lasts 3 months(approx. 90 days).

D:Eccentric extraction:after natural fermentation, take out the Noni ferment extracted by the centrifuge, to separate the essence and the dregs.

E:Impose high pressure to kill bacteria: then, impose high pressure to sterilize, fulfilling the high-quality control process of Noni ferment.

F:Delivery for bottling: Put the produced Noni ferment into dustless and germfree highly clean containers, to be sent for bottling procedure.

G:Put into containers for export: Hundreds and thousands of containers are shipped to Noni lovers in different corners all over the world each month, to promote the overall health of human being.

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Kekulusan / Approval

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